
RS ASTM D1067: 2016
Standard Test Methods for Acidity or Alkalinity of Water


These test methods2 cover the determination of acidity
or alkalinity of all types of water. Three test methods are given
as follows:
Test Method A (Electrometric Titration) 7 to 15
Test Method B (Electrometric or Color-Change Titration) 16 to 24
Test Method C (Color-Change Titration After Hydrogen
Peroxide Oxidation and Boiling)
25 to 33
1.2 In all of these test methods the hydrogen or hydroxyl
ions present in water by virtue of the dissociation or hydrolysis
of its solutes, or both, are neutralized by titration with standard
alkali (acidity) or acid (alkalinity). Of the three procedures,
Test Method A is the most precise and accurate. It is used to
develop an electrometric titration curve (sometimes referred to
as a pH curve), which defines the acidity or alkalinity of the
sample and indicates inflection points and buffering capacity, if
any. In addition, the acidity or alkalinity can be determined
with respect to any pH of particular interest. The other two
methods are used to determine acidity or alkalinity relative to
a predesignated end point based on the change in color of an
internal indicator or the equivalent end point measured by a pH
meter. They are suitable for routine control purposes.

General Information

RS ASTM D1067: 2016ADOPTED ASTM STANDARDSChemical technology11Third Edition
Jun 2023
Price: RWF 12,000

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