
RS ISO 11615: 2017
Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products — Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal plant information


This document establishes definitions and concepts and describes data elements and their structural
relationships, which are required for the unique identification and the detailed description of Medicinal
Taken together, the standards listed in the Introduction define, characterise and uniquely identify
regulated Medicinal Products for human use during their entire life cycle, i.e. from development to
authorisation, post-marketing and renewal or withdrawal from the market, where applicable.
Furthermore, to support successful information exchange in relation to the unique identification
and characterisation of Medicinal Products, the use of other normative IDMP messaging standards is
included, which are to be applied in the context of this document.

General Information

RS ISO 11615: 2017ADOPTED ISO STANDARDSAgriculture97Second EditionAvailable
Price: RWF 118,500

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